Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Python for Kids is a fun and easy-to-learn programming language. It’s like learning a new language that helps you talk to computers and tell them what to do. So, let’s jump into our first Python story!

Once upon a time in the land of Codeville

There were little pieces of code called ‘Python Pals.’ These pals loved to play and make new friends. One day, they decided to create a game where they could count stars in the sky. They needed a smart kid to help them write a Python program to count the stars.

Writing Our First Python Program

To help our Python Pals, we need to write a program. A program is a set of instructions that tells the computer what to do. Here’s a simple program to count stars:

This is a comment – it helps us understand the code but the computer ignores it.

Let’s count stars!

number_of_stars = 10 # We have 10 stars to count.

Now, we ask Python to print the number of stars.

print(“There are”, number_of_stars, “stars in the sky!”)

When we run this program, it will tell us how many stars there are. The print part is like saying, “Hey computer, please show this on the screen!”

Understanding Our Program

  • number_of_stars = 10: This is like telling a friend, “We have 10 stars.” We’re giving the computer a piece of information to remember.
  • print(“There are”, number_of_stars, “stars in the sky!”): This is like asking your friend to say out loud how many stars there are.

Let’s Play with Python

Now that we’ve counted stars, let’s play a little more. What if we want to count more stars? We can change the number!

number_of_stars = 20 # Wow, now we have 20 stars!
print(“Look! There are now”, number_of_stars, “stars twinkling in the sky!”)

Why Python is Great for Kids

Python is great for kids because:

  • It’s simple and reads almost like English.
  • It lets you create fun things, like games and stories.
  • It helps you think logically and solve problems.


Congratulations, you’ve just written your first Python program with our Python Pals! You’ve taken your first step into the magical world of coding. Remember, practice makes perfect. Keep playing with Python, and soon you’ll be able to create your own games and stories!

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